DELIVERED: 1,000 Solar Hot Water Systems Installed

Over the past two years, the State Government has installed solar hot water systems in 1,000 public housing properties.
The systems were installed as part of a $5.5 million program to replace 1,000 LPG and electric hot water systems following a commitment made by the Government at the 2014 State Election.
More than 1,300 inspections were undertaken to identify properties suitable for a solar system in metropolitan areas, rural areas and Aboriginal communities across the State, including properties in Ceduna, Peterborough, the Riverland and Mount Gambier.
This initiative prioritised larger family households, to maximise the benefits of lower utility costs, and properties with LPG bottled gas hot water services, followed by electric hot water systems installed before 2010.
Some properties were found to be unsuitable for the systems, due to the pitch and angle of their roof, or excessive shade caused by trees.
Replacing electric systems with a solar hot water system can reduce total household electricity use by about 30%, helping with the cost of living for some of the State’s most vulnerable people. There are also environmental benefits because the solar systems produce far less greenhouse gas emissions than the older systems they have replaced and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. 
The project is having excellent outcomes both for tenants and for the environment.