Positive Ageing Grants 2015/16

Project Details

PAG priorities for 2015 projects

The Office for the Ageing seeks projects of up to 12 months duration which support active ageing and personal wellbeing amongst older people.

To be considered for funding, outcomes from projects are to align with one or more of the following priorities of Prosperity Through Longevity, South Australia’s Ageing Plan 2014- 2019.

I. Health, wellbeing and security

For example, projects could:

> investigate and develop better practice examples of ways to support older people to remain actively connected to their community

> focus on services and support for the rights of older people

> deliver innovations which enable the increased participation and wellbeing of older people

II. Social and economic productivity

For example, projects could:

> increase participation in volunteering and the paid workforce

> maximise opportunities for seniors to engage in emerging lifelong learning activities

> develop innovative ways to engage the expertise of older people in supporting and developing community groups/organisations

III. All-ages-friendly communities

For example, projects could:

> bring different generations and community stakeholders together to build an all-ages-friendly state

> promote positive community attitudes towards our older population by highlighting the skills, knowledge and experiences of older people

> maximise opportunities for participation and choice in communities

> provide older South Australians with greater


Project Eligibility

Which organisations can submit an application?

Non-government, non-profit community organisations that:

I. have an active Australian Business Number (ABN);

II. are Incorporated; and

III. are active in South Australia.

Incorporated organisations can submit an application on behalf of a non-incorporated organisation – an arrangement known as auspicing.

Which organisations are not eligible to submit an application for PAG funding?

  • for-profit organisations, research foundations or trusts, professional associations, Statutory Authorities
  • Commonwealth or South Australian government departments
  • Local Governments – except where auspicing a non-incorporated organisation
  • all educational institutions e.g. primary, secondary or tertiary institutions.

More information: view website.