Public Art and Design: Major Commission Funding
Project Details
Supports significant new work by leading South Australian artists, to be presented in high profile, publicly accessible environments in South Australia. Applicants to this category will have an artist's concept or development proposal they seek to commission. The commissioning process must be sufficiently advanced to enable the applicant to provide plans, indicative drawings, artist's impressions and maquette of the proposed work.
Project Eligibility
Funding applications are considered from individuals, community groups, organisations, including those in receipt of ongoing funding from Arts SA, and local and State Government agencies. Assistance can be sought for every stage of a project's development, including further concept design and the implementation, fabrication and installation costs. It is a requirement that commissioners have a minimum of 30% of the project's implementation budget (cash or in-kind). Refer to Arts SA website for full eligibility criteria.
More information: view website.