YourSAy: Early Childhood Services
Premier Jay Weatherill announced recently that he would like to see state governments have responsibility for children from birth all the way through to age 18. This would mean the states look after childcare, preschool and primary school, whilst the federal government would be in charge of universities, vocational education and training.
The Premier gave a speech at the National Press Club in July where he spoke about the potential benefits of this reform being greater clarity for staff employed to care for and educate our children as well as clarity for parents about who they should turn to if they have questions about that care or education.
It could also provide an opportunity to make sure that children identified as needing extra support will have that support waiting for them when they begin preschool and primary school.
I strongly encourage you to make a submission on these proposed reforms on the YourSay website before December 4 on the following three areas: Before and after preschool care; More services for disadvantaged children and Greater flexibility and choice for families
Your feedback will directly inform the Premier’s discussions about early childhood education service reform at the next Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting in Canberra.